Some of the fashion and lingerie industry and society at large still think it's ok to sell images of beauty and seduction to women but when real women want to take part or express their own sensuality it's considered a crime against good taste. It has even been admitted to me (albeit privately) that certain social media algorithms have an unfortunate bias against plus sized women. That's why I loved it when Kaisa approached me help her express her more sensuous side. And in this impromptu series of boudoir style portraits I think we really achieved her goal. As always we discussed our ideas and I sent her a mood board, we went for a simple black and white theme. Kaisa arrived with make up on point and a five minute hair curl from Biba Browns, we were good to go. In our session we tried two outfit changes and just for fun a little nude with organza session in between. This body positive nude intermission has caused an extreme surge of interest amongst women and so I have included it in my services going forward.
Up until this point I have been focussed on celebrating female strength and beauty, which Kaisa has in spades. And what she brought was life. Vivacious, fun, sultry and a joy and confidence in herself. Yes we giggled like school children throughout the shoot. I'm so glad she liked the final pictures as much as I did. As one is now on all my business mastheads. Thank you Kaisa for bringing sexy back into my work just at the right time. That was the last shoot I did in the little wood street studio, what a way to go out. And four months later I'm looking at launching the Goddess Studio.
Kaisa is an internationally published fashion model, has been working for over six years and can be contacted for work
If you have questions about boudoir and modelling here is a breakdown...
Lingerie modelling is all about the brand, and you are representing the brand, shoot days are fun but it's not unusual to have many people at a shoot, including client, account manager, director, photographer stylist, hair and makeup and other models. If you are considering a career in lingerie modelling I can help you with portfolio building sessions, just consider, it can be competitive, hard work and much of the time, less glamours a lifestyle than it looks. Much of the work is catalogue, look books and website products. Highlights can be called on to travel and work for major advertising and editorial campaigns.
Boudoir is all about you, expressing yourself for your own satisfaction. It can include genres such as pinup, which in itself is a huge segment, with subcultures, within cultures, and art nudes. It's a very personal celebration, and if shot with me, other than a female assistant, it will be just us. This is especially important for non-professionals to help them stay in the moment and remain focussed. The resulting images will be all the better for it. Your boudoir pictures will always be private and only you decide if and who you share your pictures with. Increasingly women are happy and proud to have their pictures published, if this is what you'd like, I'm happy to help prepare the images for publication.
I'm looking to publish my own magazine Goddess Life soon, so you can add this to your shoot.
Glamour photography is all about you too, but it's intention is that you will be looked at. Not solely but a fair portion is aimed at a male audience and men's magazines. Glamour modelling, in a lot of ways, is very honest work and can be extremely lucrative, but you need to be in with a team you can trust. I've mostly worked for women's brands and publications, in lingerie and swimwear, with a more fashion focus, so it is not my core expertise. If I can help, I will, otherwise I might direct you to models who work in this field for advice.
If you have any further questions, I'm available 9am to 6pm Mondays through Saturdays.
Goddess Studio
is a judgement free zone and safe place for women to express themselves and we happen to produce beautiful photography too. If you'd like to submit a guest blog or book a shoot, click on the email icon below.